Reconnect to Your "Resolutions"

Reconnect to your Resolutions

According to Business Insider, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February!  Say it ain’t so!!!  Luckily, when it comes to setting goals, there are ways to help you get on track and program yourself for success!

There’s a strategy to setting goals so that you reach your goals, which keys into our pleasure centers by creating attainable “wins”!  Using the SMART goals template can help to jumpstart and fire up your health journey.

There are FIVE KEY characteristics of a SMART goals! 

SMART goals are:




Relevant, and


Instead of stating:  “I will lose weight, get a promotion, and buy my dream house,” take the time this week to reconnect to your goals, and break them down into manageable, measurable steps.

Let’s practice.

We’ll start with the age-old resolution - the one that fills the gym and depletes the organic food section at your grocery store for the month of January - I will lose weight.

Now let’s make it SMART.

Specific: I will lose 30 pounds by the end of 2019.

Measurable: I will lose 3 pounds per month.

Attainable: I will choose whole, healthy foods 80% of the time, and exercise for 20 minutes per day.

Relevant: I will lose weight in order to protect my joints and have more energy daily.

Time-bound: I will weigh-in once a month to assess my goals.

Now that goal doesn’t seem quite so far out of reach, does it? Find your why; your reason which trumps any excuse tired you, stressed out you, or grumpy you can argue with. Make your year-end goal a part of your everyday routine, and you are that much closer to long-lasting results.  Now that’s creating a healthy and vibrant lifestyle which will add “Life to Your Years!”

If your New Year’s resolutions seem like a silly thing to devote time and energy to on a daily basis, take it off the list! If it seems trivial now, you will have no reason to continue your efforts next week or next month. Don’t lose weight because you want to fit into your old jeans for your high school reunion, because once the event is over your goal becomes irrelevant. Lose weight because you want to live longer, healthier, and happier.

How are you making sure that your goals become a part of your everyday routine?  If you need help reaching your health and life goals, let me help! I've had over 30 years of helping clients reach their health and wellness goals blending functional medicine, lifestyle medicine, movement guidance, nutrition, and now brain health assessments as well.  Email me for a FREE initial consult to see what I can do to help you reach your goals.  It's a New Decade!  If not now, when?? or call 248 652-2323 today!

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