The Rise of Functional Medicine: New Paradigm Gets to the Root Cause of Disease

I love that I am seeing articles like these in not only integrative publications but also in the mainstream wellness community. 

Functional Medicine, and its science-based approach to helping the body heal itself naturally, is finally being recognized.  For me, though, it seems a bit late, because those of us in the field for over a decade, know that it has been in the works for over 30 years!

Still, articles like these help to build foundational knowledge about the field, a step necessary to build trust in my clients.  It is part of the process of setting you up for success when you work with me… once you understand what is going on, and why, you are open to learning the how of getting well again!

This is a whole new paradigm in medicine… where you become a partner in your own healthcare… and we work to empower you with knowledge and success so that you can ultimately become your own advocate down the line!  You reap what you sow… as they say.  Invest in yourself and you will see results!

Looking to Get Healthy? Focus on the Gut!

New Years Resolutions nearly always include a goal of weight loss. And this year will be no different in that sense. What is different in the last few years is that we now know that weight loss is not just calories in = calories out anymore!

Breast Milk, “Good Bacteria” and Immune Health

Why is mother's milk so healthy for the baby? Not only does the composition of the milk change from week to week to best suit the needs of the baby, we have known that breastfed babies have better immune function and protection in later life than bottle fed babies.

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We've added great new features and updated our content to bring you the most up to date information about our company.  Check back often for updates.
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